Carry Guns for the New Normal

Unless you live in make-believe world (which half our nation seems to do) you should realize that our state of affairs is deteriorating.  The current political regime is, intentionally, destroying the nation by fostering unmitigated illegal invasion of the country.  Not only can our economic system not absorb this influx, but the number of bad... Continue Reading →

The Threat is Real, and it is Here

If you read this blog you probably live in reality and don’t have your head up you’re a##.  As such, you may realize that the current political regime is working hard to destroy our nation by allowing unmitigated, and fully encouraged, illegal invasion of the country.  Most administrations, except for the one directly prior, have... Continue Reading →

Trauma Kits

It is rather difficult to carry medical gear.  In particular, within the self-defense and preparedness community, carrying medical gear refers to carrying tools for treating trauma, specifically, life-threatening bleeding.  There are four dedicated hemorrhage control devices that we are interested in here: the tourniquet, packing gauze, pressure dressings, and chest seals.  Carrying all four items... Continue Reading →

EDC Deep Dive: The Why

There is no end to EDC (everyday carry) videos on YouTube and elsewhere, as we prepared citizens like to discuss the gear we carry.  In this episode of Survival Dispatch, we discuss EDC, but we deliver a deep dive into why to carry the items we reference.  There is some deep conversation on holster setups... Continue Reading →

Knives for Preparedness

I am not into the “knife fighting” thing.  Obviously, I would rather have a knife in my hand if facing a deadly threat than nothing, but I certainly prefer a firearm, and if not a firearm, I am more inclined towards impact tools.  Impact to the head is instantaneous in effect, bleeding out is not. ... Continue Reading →

How to Carry and Deploy an Ankle Gun

Things certainly come and go in phases in the firearms community.  For example, back about five or six years ago when I went through a revolver phase, nobody cared about them.  I always use a small revolver as my deep concealment option, but at that time I was shooting and writing about revolvers a lot. ... Continue Reading →

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