The New USA Carry Podcast

Well, I am sort of late to the party here, but forgive me since I have a lot of irons in the fire of late.  Anyway, TADA!  I am co-hosting a new podcast! For my readers that have been with me for a while, you might have checked out any number of the weekly shows... Continue Reading →

Lawlessness by Design

Our nation has a history of social breakdown leading to sweeping crime and lawlessness.  The Los Angeles Riots in 1992 saw the eruption of violence following a particular police action, and the city pulled its law enforcement back and allowed the rioters free reign for a long period of time, resulting in the death of... Continue Reading →

The Gray Man Concept Deep Dive

There is much said about being the “gray man.”  What, tough, does that mean?  Essentially, being gray is blending in with the baseline of normal within any given environment.  Being able to be gray is a critical skill in a deteriorating society, as the one we sadly seem to inhabit now.  I was on the... Continue Reading →

The Rifle in your Self-Preservation Plan

The self-defense and preparedness community are interesting in what gets attention.  Apparently, this needs to be said, so I will rain on the parade and say it: the American citizen is far more likely to get robbed on the streets of a city than get attacked by para-gliding terrorists.  That same citizen is far, far,... Continue Reading →

Bug Out Plans for All

No matter who you are, where you live, or what your environment is, having a bug out plan is a necessary part of your preparedness.  Do you live isolated in the Rocky Mountains?  Why would you need to bug out and leave your bunker?  Well, do you want to stay when the next forest fire... Continue Reading →

Another Option for Carrying Medical

Several weeks back I ran an article on carrying medical gear.  In that article I showed my methods for actually carrying this gear on-body.  I always have a Soft-T Wide tourniquet in my pocket, but when doing activities that are more dangerous than usual I have an ankle kit that carries a tourniquet, packing gauze,... Continue Reading →

Focusing on the Essential Arsenal 

The past two years have witnessed a dearth of ammunition availability and sky-high prices on anything that actually is available.  Likewise, guns themselves were hard to find for a long time, although that particular shortage has greatly subsided at the time of this writing.  I suspect that the ammunition crisis will not subside for some... Continue Reading →

Make Lists to Guide your Training

Most people in the wide world of self-defense, preparedness, personal protection, or whatever we might call it, are enthusiasts in a particular aspect of the greater whole.  As an example, I am a handgunner, and I am a specialist and enthusiast in the use of the defensive handgun.  Therefore, shooting and training with the handgun... Continue Reading →

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